Vocatus Atque non Vocatus Deus Aderit | Deo Duce, Ferro Comitante | Vox Populi, Vox Dei

The World Needs Less Junior Therapists and More Spiritual Mentors
Life is not Relative – There Are Absolute Rights, and Absolute Wrongs

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Death, or the Fourth Dimension of Existence? | 本 朕 勝利 | Caput Capitis Nos Lucror, Penis Vos Perdo



'To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face'.
-Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 44

'Death was often near'.
-Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 107

'Continue to speak of alcoholism as an illness,a fatal malady'.

-Alcoholics Anonymous, page 92

'As we became subjects of King Alcholhol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down'.
-Alcoholics Anonymous, page 92

|...'Twas an odd night at the clubhouse last night (UHHGAIN). It seems that some feller going by the name of Bebe' Jesus (from Tijuana, maybe?) is pissing a lot of people off.  Never heard of him - but hopefully he's read our traditions regarding voicing opinons on outside issues (anti religious rhetoric is a violation of our tenth tradition).

Fortunately for this alcoholic, my feet are not glued to the floor and I get to leave in a few days. Being a real alcoholic, I cannot afford to do this thing half way.  A loving God, a well thumbed copy of Alcholics Anonymous, and the Twelve Steps are the mortar the bricks of my soul require, for this thing is life and death for me.

Though that clubhouse did help me get my head back in the clouds and my feet squarely back on the floor, I will very shortly start degrading in that I too will be unable to control my language, ego will strart creeping in, and I will start sharing from the head instead of from the heart.  This place has been like a sober boot camp for me - it has helped my to understand in my heart of hearts why real alcholics must do the steps, just how serious not oberserving the traditions is, and why the twelve concepts for world service are so critical. 

It has also underscored in stark relief why singless of purpose is so vital for the health and welfare of AA.  That clubhouse will die under the sheer weight of the devastational effects of its traditions violations, but my only concern is how many newcomers their message of despair will take out before their inevitable collapse.  Just out of curiousity, I'd be interested to know what the ratio of chip distribution is - I'd be very surprised if 30 day chips didn't outumber all other chips distributions by at least 3:1.  Keep coming back (if you survive).  Did you know that in 1939 when Alcholics Anonymous was published our recovery rate was around 90%? Why would you chance it doing any other way?  I'd be shocked if less than 1% in that room achieved anything like a purposeful, meaningful, continued and sustained sobriety. And not that white knuckle nonsense - honest to God, happy joyous and free stuff - you know, AA.

So, when a newcomer sticks his hand out to me, UNDER ANY PRETENESES, it's my job to make sure he's walking away with a message of hope.  I took a responsibility pledge when I was a trusted servant once - 'when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help - I want the hand of AA to be there;  and for that I am responsible'. So, I gave him my number and sent him away with my card.

Survival in AA is a do or die propositon.  If you do the work, you get to live and prosper. If you don't, you suffer and die; sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Some in AA  will live,but most will die - my job is to help the precious few that have the courage to reach out and say "...yes, I am one of you, too - I am willing to go to any lengths". If you choose to do the work and stay, then you are my brother, and I am here for you.  If you choose to stay and not do the work - then I can hold out no hope for you.  I only ask that you keep the simpering down to a minimum so the rest of us can concentrate on those who actually wish to get better.

Alcoholism is a deadly, fatal, progressive malady, and the only cure that has worked for this alcoholic is the twelve steps of AA and the grace of a Power I neither comprehend nor deserve in my life.  I am blessed beyond my capacity to receive.

OG, 1st CL...|

PS - On a special note, this is my 100th post - most of it done here in Long Beach these past few months.  Though journaling by blog is by no means a substitue for a thorough nightly inventory, it sure does help.  Thank you all who have helped me in my journey - you all know who you are.


  1. Mary Christine -

    Sad - yes I'd agree it's sad, which is why I'm always willing to take it on the chin and stand up for what's right in AA. The grim fact remains - alcholism is cunning, baffling, powerful - and deadly.

    Could you do it wihtout divine help? I don't know - but why would you want to?


Welcome as a witness to a fools journey out of the darkness. I welcome all tidings - you are all my teachers on this path toward a meaningful and purposeful sobriety.

COG, 1st Cl.