Vocatus Atque non Vocatus Deus Aderit | Deo Duce, Ferro Comitante | Vox Populi, Vox Dei

The World Needs Less Junior Therapists and More Spiritual Mentors
Life is not Relative – There Are Absolute Rights, and Absolute Wrongs

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

With God's Help All Things Are Possible | 無所不能是 造物主| Per Deo Succurro Totus Res fio Animadverto

'What seemed at first a
flimsy reed, has proved to be the loving and powerful hand of God'...



'A new life has been given us or, if you prefer, "a design for living" which really works. We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired.

If what we have learned and felt and seen means anything at all, it means that all of us, whatever our race, creed, or color are the children of a living Creator with whom we may form a relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as we are willing and honest enough to try'
-Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 28

|...at around five years sober or so, I worked part time for a brokerage house on Wall Street (I was saving for college) that was very vexatious. Wildly inappropriate behavior occured on the premises during business hours, and I was not in a positiion to ignore it due to the fact that I had to interract wtth these individual. Not having my spiritual legs beneath me yet, this was very disconcerting for me - their behavior exemplified  everything I overcame by the skin of my teeth, and I found it very disturbing  commingling with the very type of trash I grew up with.

However, it paid well, and I needed the money for school, so I looked the other way, for the behavior of the other employees was quite literally none of my business. I was simply a network consultant, and glad to have the extra income.  My sponsor encouraged me to grin and bear it, and I am glad he did, for good things came out of this experience.

What WAS my business was that a few of the brokers were verbally abusive toward me for not joining in the silliness, and one even spit in my face for refusing to join in on the shenanigans. Now, I ordinarily don't have the best of tempers even on a good day, but this was not a particularly good one for me, and all I could do while the spittle dribbled off my face was breathe, for having trained so many years in self defense I could have skinned him alive before he had the chance to put down his cigar;  I was more fearful of breaking his windpipe than defending myself.

Having sniper training, my head was also filled with visions of climbing a nearby office tower and ending this one - effectively and anonymously.
Luckily, a small quiet voice urged me to walk over to Our Lady of Victory chapel on Pine Street, wash my face and ask for guidance. Thank God the small voice won out;  this was quite simply the Grace of God - for both me and my friend with the projectile saliva problem.

Once having settled down enough to stop trembling, I looked over the alter in the chapel and saw something I had never seen before - a quote etched over the altar, which says: "Through God, All Things Are Possible".  Now, I'd been in and out of that chapel for years, and I had never seen that before; I proceeded to
BESEECH God for the strength to forgive and forget, for I did not trust myself to go back to the job to get my tools without strangling that guy. 

About an hour later, not entirely convinced that God was listening, I went back to work for my tools, and an amazing thing happened: the broker who has just spit on me asked me to take him to his first AA meeting.

Remembering always that I can never say no in AA, I took him.  I wasn't happy about it, but I did it anyway.  Now, I'd be lieing if I said he recovered on the spot, for he did slip for a good number of years.  However, he is a free man today, sober more that five years, and now makes an honest and happy living.

Was it worth getting spit at for this?  Absolutely.  My Father did not rescue me from the scrap heap to be wrapped in swaddling cloth and draped in silk.  My job is to remain on the firing line, to mix it up when it needs to be mixed up, and to turn the other cheek when and where it is appropriate.

I'll say it again:  In order for me to get what I want, I have to help you get what you want.  In order to do this, I must remain connected to God.  In order for me to remain connected to God, I have to stay connected to you.  In order from me to stay connected to you, I have to continue to make meetings of Alcholics Anonymous.  I may not approve of those who trade on the name of AA and take no care to protect AA for future generations, but I have the power to change that with God's help

There is no battle so worthy as to fight what's right for AA, for in fighting for what's right in AA, we ensure that AA will be here tomorrow.  This is why God made me a warrior;  I did not ask for this.  My only goal when I showed up in AA was to stop blacking out and waking up under Yankee Stadium. My whole life I have been fight for my survival;  I was never tough, smart or capable.  God has seen fit to change all that;  now I am all those things, and much, much more.  Is this ego talking?  Quite possiblly, but it is also true.  My job right now is to do God's will, and I shall not be trifled with in my quest for righteousness.  Last year I had two white light experiences and I swore my allegiance to my higher power to fight to the death for what I consider to be right - this is a death oath, and one that I take very seriously.  I fear no man, an no mere collection of thugs shall deter me.

I may never be popular, but one day I have to answer to my Father; his question shall be:  'Did you do what I created you to do'?.  Hopefully, I shall be able to make a good accounting of myself.  Today, I try to be to be a devoted global member of Alcholics Anonymous (today I swear no allegiance to any human power or group of human powers) and a staunch observer of our 
AA Traditions.  For this, I am extremely grateful.

At the end of the day we have two simple choices:  popularity, or integrity.  Today, thanks to God's help, a loving sponsor, and the program of Alcholilcs Anonymous found in the book Alcholics Anonymous, I am great in He who strengthens us.  For those who choose the dark side, I can hold out no hope for them, for satan makes a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

COG,1st Cl.|

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Welcome as a witness to a fools journey out of the darkness. I welcome all tidings - you are all my teachers on this path toward a meaningful and purposeful sobriety.

COG, 1st Cl.